

Anti-Napoléon: ou Recueil de faits et d'anecdotes rélatifs à Napoléon Bonaparte, depuis sa naissance jusqu'à son embarquement pour l'île de Sainte-Hélène. Avec quelques aperçus et des observations curieuses propres à faire connoître cet Aventurier. Monstrum horrendum, inform, ingens... Par un Corse. Paris: Tiger, [1815]. [2], 106, [2] p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 15 cm. (12mo). In original wrappers narrowly trimmed; corners creased and worn.

     An amusing collection of anecdotes pertaining to the recently deposed emperor, whom the title page identifies (with a quote from Virgil) as “a monster horrendous, hideous and vast.” Allegedly by a Corsican, the book has also been attributed to the publisher, Christophe-César-Jean-Baptiste Tiger (1761 – 1825), proprietor of Pilier Littérairea bookstore on rue du Petit-Pont, Paris. As a publisher of “short, attractive and efficient books,” Tiger specialized in almanacs and ripping yarns. This is one of several uncomplimentary works he printed on Napoleon.

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